Your transmission is responsible for optimizing your engine’s power, whereas your clutch connects your engine to your transmission. Both components must be adequately maintained and repaired as necessary if they’re to stay in pristine condition.
If you’re having trouble shifting your transmission, there’s a pretty good chance you may need to swap out your transmission fluid with fresh product. When transmission fluid breaks down, it doesn’t do as good a job of lubricating your gears, hence the difficulty shifting. Fixing this issue is relatively easy for it simply requires a change of fluid.
Your transmission cooler is designed to disperse radiant heat in the same way your radiator is and, as such, is often to blame if your transmission starts to overheat. Transmission cooler failure usually happens when it’s clogged up with old transmission fluid or it’s sprung a leak. Both scenarios can be remedied if you bring your truck in for service right away. If this issue is left to persist for a long period of time, chances are your transmission will suffer severe damage that could have been avoided.
If your clutch is sticky or, in other words, takes longer to come back than normal, we highly recommend bringing your truck in for service. Clutch issues do not go away on their own. If left unchecked for too long, your clutch may fail altogether and leave you stranded on the side of the road. Common causes of a worn clutch that’s experiencing this issue include a heavily used or abused clutch, one that’s not properly lubricated, or one that’s worn down due to excessive transmission overheating problems.
Rough shifting is a clear sign that something is wrong with your heavy-duty clutch. We highly recommend bringing your truck in for service as soon as possible if your shifts get very rough. Rough shifts usually indicate that your clutch isn’t making a solid connection with your engine, which will in turn cause a lot of cascading damage if left unchecked.
Want to hear more about our transmission and clutch services here at DT Services? Call today.
Get in touch with DT Services today with any questions and to schedule professional truck repair & fleet services. Our shop is located in Idaho Falls, & we provide 24/7 mobile truck repair and emergency roadside assistance within 100 miles, with service along I15 between Utah and Montana, including Pocatello, Rexburg, Bannock County, Bonneville County, Madison County, & more!
Primary: 208-346-2807
Secondary: 208-201-6301
Shop Address:
4382 N Haroldsen Drive, Building #2, Suite #10
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Shop Hours:
Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm | On-call 24/7