Truck Diagnostics & Electrical Repair Services in Idaho Falls, ID

We also providE 24/7 emergency Roadside Assistance within 100 miles of Idaho Falls, with service along I15 between Montana & Utah, Pocatello, Rexburg, Bannock County, Bonneville County, Madison County, & more!

Diagnosing an electrical issue can be really difficult to do on your own. Why not give us a call instead? We’ve got the tools and expertise to get your electrical issue sorted out in no time at all! Call today to book an appointment for service.

Ignition System Diagnostics 

Your ignition system is responsible for starting your engine. It consists of your starter motor, your diesel fuel injectors, your glow plugs, your battery, your alternator, and a variety of other parts. Although this system is quite dependable, there are times when it will malfunction. 

Dead Battery 

Dead batteries are the leading cause of ignition failure for it is the component that all of the rest rely on for power. Without your battery, your starter wouldn’t turn over your motor, your glow plugs wouldn’t encourage combustion, your fuel injectors wouldn’t fire, and your system as a whole will fail.

 How do batteries die, you may ask? Well, there are three possibilities here. Firstly, the battery may simply be at the end of its lifespan. Most batteries last around 3 years, but others may last longer depending on the brand and capability of the battery. Secondly, you may have a damaged alternator, which for those unaware, is responsible for charging your battery using your engine’s power. Last but certainly not least, many fail to turn off all their lights and accessory components before parking their trucks which can actually drain your battery while you’re away. 

Glow Plug Failure

Unlike spark plugs, glow plugs are not essential to the ignition process. However, they play a big role in encouraging combustion by warming up your engine block and the incoming fuel. Faulty glow plugs may not affect someone in a very warm region, but for those living in the northern states or even Canadian provinces, a faulty glow plug will prevent your truck from starting altogether. 

Contact Us

For more information about our diagnostics and electrical services, call DT Services today!

DT Services

Contact Us

Get in touch with DT Services today with any questions and to schedule professional truck repair & fleet services. Our shop is located in Idaho Falls, & we provide 24/7 mobile truck repair and emergency roadside assistance within 100 miles, with service along I15 between Utah and Montana, including Pocatello, Rexburg, Bannock County, Bonneville County, Madison County, & more!

Primary: 208-346-2807
Secondary: 208-201-6301

Shop Address:
4382 N Haroldsen Drive, Building #2, Suite #10

Idaho Falls, Idaho

Shop Hours:
Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm | On-call 24/7

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